The New Story of the Earth

International Nature and Environment Film Review
Cartoon and animated film
SPOT: 2022.05.27. 10:18
Sir David Attenborough
Year of production: 2021
Country of origin: Oroszország
Country(ies) of filming: Russian Federation
Duration: 6:13 perc
Language: Russian
Director: Aleksandra Pivovarova
Producer: Irina Sokolova
English synopsis: A cartoon that tells a story of billions of years in six minutes and doesn't do it the way you were taught in school.
English biography: Director Alexandra Pivovarova graduated as an architect, after couple of years joined a charitable studio that created cartoons with children in hospitals, in charity homes, with severe disabilities and facing other challenging life situations. Than worked for the Melnitsa Cinema Studio and for a charitable TV series project. Now most of time works on social or educational cartoons and runs an animation workshop for kids.