Day after tomorrow

International Nature and Environment Film Review
Cartoon and animated film
SPOT: 2022.05.27. 10:14
Sir David Attenborough
Year of production: 2021
Country of origin:
Country(ies) of filming: Iran, Islamic Republic of
Duration: 2:6 perc
Language: English, Persian
Director: Hossein Javadzadeh
English synopsis: Sitting on the beach and reading a newspaper in an enchanting beautiful day, suddenly the wind took the man's hat away. The man lowers the newspaper gently. At first, he looks at the hat and then discovered something.
English biography: I am hossein javadzadeh. I am living in iran and i've been a student of performing arts since i was 13 years old and also gratuated in graphic arts from art high school. In high school, I became interested in cinema and photography. I have recently become acquainted with the beautiful world of animation. A world that shows us a very beautiful world to step beyond the dreams.